Why was Charlie Woods limping at the PNC Championship 2022?

Charlie Woods is a mini-version of Tiger Woods. When the young Woods plays on the course, he looks like his father. Not only do they play alike, but they also possess the same mannerisms.

During the 2022 PNC Championship, a video went viral on social media showing the young Woods limping around the ground.

Interestingly, Tiger Woods was also struggling with a leg injury and finding it difficult to walk, so fans assumed Charlie was mimicking his father. However, he was not.

Charlie Woods rolled his ankle a day before the championship while warming up for the tournament. The two were captured on camera limping off the greens on the 11th hole wearing the same clothes during the 2022 PNC Championship.

Speaking about his injury, the young Woods said:

“On some shots, it hurt a lot. Walking was tough, but it was all right. It wasn't that bad.”

Despite being injured, Junior Woods played in the tournament and finished eighth. Tiger Woods had long struggled with injuries and had withdrawn from the Hero World Challenge earlier that month.

Woods was involved in an auto accident and underwent injury treatment before returning to compete at a major tournament in 2022. Although he developed plantar fasciitis earlier in December, Tiger Woods still competed at the PNC Championship alongside his son.

For the third time, Tiger and Charlie teamed up to play together. The father-and-son duo finished in T5 in 2020 and then were runners-up in the 2021 PNC Championship.

"I’m just hurt" - Charlie Woods talks about his injury

Tiger Woods called his son's injury simply a growing pain. Speaking in one of his interviews with Sirius XM PGA Tour Radio, the legendary golfer said:

“There’s a big difference between pain and injury, and this is just pain. If you’re injured, you’re not playing. This is just a little bit of pain, and it’s gametime, so we just go out there and we suck it up together. As I said over here, we’re the perfect yin and yang; he’s got a left foot [injury], I’ve got a right foot [injury], so we’ve got two good feet, we’re good.”

Tiger Woods has a long history of injuries. However, he never gave up and always came strong. He won the US Open with a broken leg in 2008.

Tiger Woods and Charlie Woods during the pro-am for the PNC Championship (Image via Getty)

Charlie Woods is highly inspired by his father. Speaking about his leg injury, the young Woods said:

"I’ve found a new respect for him now after getting a very minor injury – I wouldn’t call it an injury; I’m just hurt. But just to see what he’s going through and how I have just a fraction of it … and it’s just cool how he’s gotten to where he is now after all he’s been through.”

Woods enjoys playing alongside his father and will probably return to compete at the PNC Championship in 2023. They are yet to win the trophy. In 2022, Vijay Singh won the championship while playing alongside his 21-year-old son, Qass Singh.

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