Who is Kelly Slaters girlfriend? Meet the legendary surfers longtime partner

Legendary surfer Kelly Slater has been in a long-term relationship with girlfriend Kalani Miller since 2006. The 11-time World Champion’s partner is a 36-year-old model and co-founder of a swimwear company named MIKOH. Besides being a successful entrepreneur, Miller is a fitness enthusiast and an avid surfer.

Miller was born and brought up in the small town of San Clemente in Orange County, California. Growing up, the graduate from the University of California Santa Barbara had attained a keen interest in creativity and design from her family. Therefore, after completing her education, she partnered with her sister OLEEMA and co-founded the brand, MIKOH in 2009.

The businesswomen started their brand to produce swimwear inspired by prints and cultures from around the world. Moreover, they concentrate on using great quality fabrics to make women of all shapes and sizes comfortable. Besides swimwear, the sisters expanded their business to surf-ready clothes also with neoprene quality.

Kelly Slater's girlfriend Kalani Miller (Image via Instagram/kalanimiller)

Miller has not just built the brand but also won hearts with the thoughtful gestures she performs with her sister. In 2019. Kelly Slater’s girlfriend’s brand made headlines for producing swimsuits for women who survived breast cancer or were fighting a chronic ailment.

Their brand shared the empowering stories of the women who face breast cancer along with giving the message that MIKOH supports them. Nevertheless, whatever earnings the brand generated through the campaign was contributed to the Keep A Breast Foundation organization.

Is marriage on the cards for Kalani Miller and Kelly Slater?

Kelly Slater and Kalani Miller met at a surfing event at the ASR trade show in San Diego in 2006. Since then, they have been together and supported each other through their ups and downs. Although Slater and Miller are an unmarried couple, the latter commented on it in 2020.

Miller appeared in an interview at Graham Bensinger. Talking about her future with Slater, she explained that the surfer was her "ride or die." However, they have not planned on when they will get married, it will happen someday.

The host asked if the couple were waiting for the surfer to retire from surfing and then concentrate on their family life, to which Kalani agreed. She explained that it would be difficult for the competitive Kelly Slater to balance both things simultaneously.

Furthermore, Slater’s girlfriend also mentioned they have had many siblings in their respective families. Therefore, she would like to have two to three kids with Slater.

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