How to make Hydrochloric Acid in Subnautica: Below Zero

Hydrochloric Acid really only has a couple of uses in Subnautica: Below Zero, but that doesn't make it any less vital.

Hydrochloric Acid is among the many different materials of Subnautica: Below Zero. Unlike in real life, the game's version of Hydrochloric Acid is not extremely harmful to living beings.

It is crafted using the Fabricator like a lot of other items that players will need. Players will not be able to just find it laying around in the world of Subnautica: Below Zero like some other resources.

Items needed to make Hydrochloric Acid in Subnautica: Below Zero

Image via Unknown Worlds Entertainment

As a necessary component to make Polyaniline, players should make it a priority to craft Hydrochloric Acid. It can be crafted when players have three Young Cotton Anemone and one Salt Deposit.

This advanced material's blueprint can be obtained by acquiring a Flowering Spore or a Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade. Once one of those is obtained, players can craft the Hydrochloric Acid.

Where to find items needed for Hydrochloric Acid in Subnautica: Below Zero

Image via Unknown Worlds Entertainment

The Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade blueprint can be obtained by acquiring a built upgrade. It is best to get the Hydrochloric Acid blueprint with the Flowering Spore method.

Flowering Spore is a raw material found in the Deep Lilypads Cave Biome. They are just floating around and are shaped like an orange sphere. They are pretty easy to spot and collect.

Once that is done and the blueprint is in possession, players will need to collect Young Cotton Anemones and a Salt Deposit. Young Cotton Anemones are also found in Deep Lilypads Cave, growing in clusters throughout the Biome.

Image via Unknown Worlds Entertainment

Gather three of those, then move on to the Salt Deposit. Salt Deposits are another raw material in Subnautica: Below Zero. They are most commonly found on the seabed of many Biomes, such as Purple Vents, Sparse Arctic, and Twisty Bridges.

It can also be acquired from Sea Monkeys. Once the four items needed for crafting are obtained, just head to the Fabricator. Craft the Hydrochloric Acid with the three Young Cotton Anemones and the one Salt Deposit.

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