Find out how good he is compared to the champions of the sport

Andrew Tate is not only known for his antics on social media. The controversial figure is also a high-level chess player after learning the game from his father Emory Tate, a former world chess champion.

Whilst Tate doesn't compete in chess professionally himself, he still actively plays the game and often takes part in online tournaments. According to, his ranking sits at around 1600, which puts him in the higher percentile of players.

In comparison to Emory Tate or other pro players however, 'Cobra's' scores aren't close. His late father was a professional who won over 80 tournaments against grandmasters throughout his career.

The United States Chess Federation (USCF) and International Chess Federation (FIDE) handed Emory career high scores of 2413 and 2508 respectively, which placed him amongst the top 2000 players in the world. As of today, the current No.1 ranked player has a score of 2853.

According to Andrew Tate, both he and his father took to Chess naturally and he revealed that Emory Tate never onced studied chess books or practiced online. He said:

"I never saw him study chess books, ever. He also hated chess computers and never used them." [H/t ChessLife]

Tate has also been spotted teaching chess to his own children, similar to what his father did. In the photo below, Tate is showing his daughter how to play.

Check out the tweet here:

Andrew Tate's spokesperson speaks out after another sexual allegation

Andrew Tate and his team have once again had to speak out, after a woman named 'Alice' came forward and alleged that she had been strangled unconscious whilst having s*x with Tate.

According to the 30-year-old, the incident happened back in 2013 and she is now hoping to sue the internet personality. Speaking to Sky News, Alice said:

"We were having s*x and he put his hands round my throat and strangled me until I lost consciousness. And when I came round he was still having s*x with me, still on top of me." [H/t Sky]

Soon after the news of the allegations broke, Andrew Tate's team responded and categorically denied the entire story. His spokesperson said:

"We understand there is a lot of interest surrounding Andrew at the moment; however, he vehemently denies these accusations and does not condone violence of any kind towards women. All sexual acts that Andrew has partaken in have been consensual and agreed upon before by both parties"

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