Written by Jessica Berger, Enlightened is an impressive weight loss program which will change your life forever. There are several people all around world who have shed massive pounds from their body by using the techniques and methods suggested by Jessica.
Main idea of weight loss program is to the share the value of small changes, as Jessica believes small changes are capable of bringing dramatic changes in your lives. She asserts, yoga is just like oxygen for your body. Should you wish to have a healthy body and mind, you should make yoga an indispensable part of your routine life.
Jessica is a doting mother, author and a yogi. In the beginning years of her life, she faced challenges of being overweight. Besides that, she also was victim of stress which often arouse craving for unhealthy foods such as cigarettes and junk foods.
She was seeking for a permanent solution which could shed pounds from her body and keep her motivated all the time. Then she happened to attend yoga classes in Nepal which radically changed her life. She not only lost massive forty pounds but also learnt how to live a positive and happy life.
She learnt effective ways of dealing with stress. You just need to take long breaths and something magical happen which bring balance between your body and mind, which provide you immediate relaxation. She compiled all her wonderful experiences in her book.
Enlightened is an inspiring book written by Jessica. She has followed holistic approach in her book. There are myriad weight loss guidelines given by Jessica in her book. You will also find great importance given to both yoga and healthy eating habits.
Healthy eating habits and consumption of vegan and natural foods have been accentuated by her. Organic vegan foods not only cut calories from your body but they also make you feel great. You get closer to God and become a spiritual being which actually is the way to attainment of peaceful and happy life.
You will find numerous effective strategies and tips which will assist your body in losing weight. These tips are simple and easy to follow and you can easily inculcate them in your life.
Yoga which means amalgamation creates connection between your body and mind. There are several different postures in yoga which can provide you lean, flexible and beautiful body. Unlike cardio and other strenuous workouts, yoga doesn’t shed pounds from your body by exhausting you; it rather molds your body through various postures.
These postures enhance your blood circulation and suffice oxygen to all your body organs. When your body organs get proper fuel, they work more efficiently. Besides that, yoga also provides you great relief from stress.
Stress which is the most dangerous foe of human body snatches everything such as peace, happiness, health etc. away from your body. Once stress is removed from your mind, you can retrieve peace, health and toned figure. And when you are calm from inside, it will be apparent on your skin, and you will get younger looking and glowing skin.
Jessica is quite impressed with some of the beliefs of Hindu religion, and suggests her followers to abide by them, they are as follows.
Jessica has given some healthy diet tips to her dieters. Should you want to attain healthy body and mind, you should abide by these healthy tips in your day to day life. Let’s find out what they are.
Jessica has provided meal plans also in her weight loss program. Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans.
You can have one banana, six to eight almonds, half pineapple, whole wheat bread, half cup of low-fat yogurt etc. in your breakfast.
You can have lentil with spinach, brown rice, shellfish, tofu etc. in your lunch.
Afternoon Snack
You can have avocados, pineapple, brown rice cake etc. in your afternoon snack.
You can have veggie stir fry, steamed broccoli, beans, low fat cheese etc. in your dinner.