Chapter 4: Overview

This chapter provides interpretation guidelines for the Conners 4th Edition (Conners 4™). The majority of this chapter focuses on how to interpret thefull-length form, but relevant sections can be applied to the Conners 4th Edition Short (Conners 4™–Short) and the Conners 4th Edition ADHD Index(Conners 4™–ADHD Index). The chapter begins by describing the types of scores available when interpreting the Conners 4, as well as some key demographicvariables that need to be considered. Next, the step-by-step interpretation sequence is provided. The first step involves examining the rater’s responsestyle to determine any potential concerns about how the rater completed the Conners 4. The next step involves examining responses to the Critical &Indicator Items to determine if there are areas that need immediate attention or subsequent follow-up. The last steps involve examining the scores on allthe Conners 4 scales and examining the item-level responses. A description of how to compare results across raters and over time (including how todetermine statistically significant change) is also provided. As noted in chapter 1, Introduction, only individuals with the appropriate background and qualifications can interpret results from the Conners 4. See Users and User Qualifications in chapter 1 for further guidance.
