Actor Interview Questions

Have you just auditioned for your dream role?

Even if you think you aced the audition, do not celebrate just yet. In many cases, the audition will be followed by a rather challenging and in-depth interview.

Why do they do this?

The interview is intended to give directors and producers an insight into your personality and working style. The interviewer wants to be certain you will work hard during the production and can work well with the rest of the cast.

Let’s discuss some of the key actor interview questions that you can prepare for in advance.


What inspired you to choose a career in acting?

This is a general interview question that the interviewer uses to find out more about your background. It is good to do research on the interviewer before the meeting and search for common ground. You can then highlight the things you have in common in any artful way to establish rapport with the interviewer.

For example…

Perhaps you went to the same acting school or share some of the same hobbies. Go deep into your research and try to find similarities. Of course, it is also essential to form an interesting narrative about your background that will break the ice.

Why did you decide to interview for this role?

When answering this question, it is best to be as specific as possible. Although you are likely to have attended many castings and interviews before, mark this one as unique. It doesn’t matter how big or small the role is; you need to show that it is meaningful for you.

How to do that?

Try to highlight aspects of the character and script that particularly appeal to you. You may have a fresh take on the character that you are eager to deliver. You might also be especially interested in working with the cast and crew on this project.

actor interview question tip

What is your availability?

Your interviewer is trying to determine if you are signed on to any other projects. Even though acting projects come with a timeframe, they can run several days or even weeks over time. This could represent a problem if you’re working on a play or TV commercial that cannot be rescheduled.

There’s much to keep in mind here…

Alternatively, you may have educational commitments that keep you rather busy. Therefore, when talking about your availability, it is vital to be as honest as possible. If you are genuinely the right person for the role, it may be possible to work around your commitments.

Do you feel talent or training is more important for an actor?

The interviewer is trying to discover your philosophy about acting. In order to succeed at any job, you need to have a certain amount of talent. However, it also takes hard work and determination to achieve your goals.

When answering this question, you need to outline the training you have gone through to hone your skills. Explain how this training has helped you to become a better actor. Indicate that you are constantly learning even when working to become the best actor you can be.

Which types of acting do you feel you are best suited for?

Here, the interviewer wants to understand your acting preferences and range. When answering this question, make a connection to the role you are interviewing for. However, it is important to show diversity to make sure the interviewer knows you are versatile.

How do you rehearse a scene if your scene partners are not available?

The interviewer wants to understand your methodology and how you overcome challenges at work. There are likely to be times when you need to be flexible enough to adapt to the situation. Even if your acting partners are not available, you can find other ways to do the work.

How do you usually react when you receive a negative review about a performance?

Actors regularly receive feedback from critics and fans, and often this feedback can be somewhat public. While nobody enjoys receiving a negative review, explain how it can help you to grow as an actor. You can use a negative review to help improve your acting ability.

the actor interview question tip

Of course…

There are times when a negative review is given out of jealousy and can be pretty hurtful. In these cases, actors need to have a thick skin so that they can rise above the comments. Your answer should explain that you apply constructive criticism and are able to ignore mean and nasty comments.

How do you maintain confidentiality about plot twists in TV productions before they air?

When working as an actor on a TV production, you often receive scripts several weeks in advance. You may receive a lot of pressure from friends, family members, and the media to reveal plot twists. However, you must maintain confidentiality at all times.

Of all actor interview questions, you want to answer this one carefully…

Admitting the temptation to give hints can make you come across as relatable. However, it is critical that you explain that you would never do this. Highlight how your integrity and respect for the production motivates you to maintain confidentiality.

What steps do you take to understand the importance of your character to the story?

In order to be a successful actor, you need to be able to understand your character inside and out. However, it would help if you also had a good understanding of the story as a whole. You should be able to talk about your character’s personality and background in detail and show their role in the story.

Top tip…

Motivation is a key way of understanding a character and their importance in the story. You need to know what your character wants and what motivates them to get it. This motivation usually drives the character in everything they do throughout the story.

Who is your acting role model?

Identifying a role model gives the interviewer some insight into who you are and the type of acting you prefer. It doesn’t matter who you choose as a role model, but you need to be able to speak about them in detail. Talk about your role model’s acting character and diversity and how it has inspired you to try new acting styles.

What techniques do you use to create an authentic character?

This question relates to your acting methodology and the skills you utilize to make a character come to life. It is a good idea to highlight the type of research you do, such as the background and motivations. You may find similar real-life characters and style their character traits and other aspects.

the actor interview question tips

Of all the roles you’ve played in the past, which is your favorite?

Of all questions, this one gives you the perfect opportunity to talk in-depth about your acting experience. Choose a character and reveal the steps you took to embody that character and make them interesting. You could also highlight your passion for the production and your respect for the rest of the cast and crew.

Where do you go to do loud vocal exercises?

You can use this question to highlight your daily practice techniques and how you use them. It is a good idea to mention a couple of other methods that you regularly use, too. Explain that you choose a secluded location for loud vocal exercises so that you do not disturb other people.

Struggling to Make Ends Meet?

If so, you wouldn’t be the only actor or actress experiencing this! Often, while you’re working on making a name for yourself, it may be necessary to take on part-time work or a job that offers certain flexibility to support you through the dry periods.

If that’s you, check out our suggestions on Good Jobs for Teens, Top Easy Jobs That Pay Well, or the Best Part Time Jobs For Felons in 2023.

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OK, back to today’s topic…

Final Thoughts

While many find interviewing for acting roles to be tedious, it is all part of the process. Interviewing and auditioning give you the chance to meet people in the industry and make meaningful connections. This is why it is so essential to make a lasting impression in the interview and establish rapport.

Moreover, even if you are not given this particular acting job, the interviewer is likely to keep you in mind for other roles. When a part comes up that you are suitable for, you are likely to get called in for an addition. Ensure that you preserve the connections you make while interviewing for acting jobs and stay connected with industry leaders.

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